
Gunnar Myrberg, Head of Unit

Gunnar Myrberg is Head of the Unit of Research and Analysis at the Central Church Office in Uppsala.

About me, Gunnar

I am docent in political science and have worked as a researcher and lecturer at Uppsala University, the Institute for Futures Studies and the Institute for Housing and Urban Research. I have also worked as a researcher at the Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis and the Swedish National Audit Office.

My research has focused on migration, in particular the reception and settlement of refugees, and various aspects of integration and segregation, in particular issues of how participation in non-profit organisations can contribute to social and political inclusion. I have worked using both quantitative and qualitative methods.

As a researcher, I have conducted a number of reviews in the field of culture and media, including state crisis support for sport and culture during the COVID-19 pandemic and the government’s administration of state cultural institutions.


Migration, integration, participation, culture

More about Gunnar Myrberg

Positions held

Head of Unit, Unit of Research and Analysis at the Church of Sweden, (2022–)

Head of Audit, Swedish National Audit Office (2018–2022)

Researcher, Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis (2015–2018)

Research Assistant, Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala University (2013–2015)

Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm (2011–2013)

Researcher, Department of Government, Uppsala University (2007–2011)


Docent in Political Science, Uppsala University (2012)

Ph.D. in Political Science, Uppsala University (2007)

Master’s Degree in Politics, Uppsala University (2001)

Bachelor of Arts Degree with Russian as main subject, Uppsala University (2001) 

Selected publications

2018. “The 2015 Refugee Crisis in Sweden: A Coordination Challenge”. In: Per Laegreid and Lise H. Rykkja (Eds.). Societal Security and Crisis Management: Governance Capacity and Legitimacy. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan (pp. 151–168). 

2017. “Local challenges and national concerns: Municipal level responses to national refugee settlement policies in Denmark and Sweden”, International Review of Administrative Sciences 83(2): 322–339. 

2013. “Surveying migrants and migrant associations in Stockholm”. In: Joan Font and Mónica Méndez (Eds.) Surveying ethnic minorities and immigrant populations: Methodological challenges and research strategies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (pp. 131–146). 

2013. “Urban inequality and political recruitment”, Urban Studies 50(5): 1049–1065, (with Per Strömblad). 

2011. “Political integration through associational affiliation? Immigrants and native Swedes in greater Stockholm”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(1): 99–115.