Training & Learning
Here you can access E-Learnings and Trainings which among other things serve as an easy and quick introduction to CBPS.
CBPS E-Learning Module 1, 2 & 3
Click here to get to the learning platform Fabo. See further instructions in the documents below. Search for Psychosocial Support on Fabo to find all the trainings below.
Act Church of Sweden (Act CoS) has developed three Community-Based Psychosocial Support (CBPS) e-learning modules which are available on the online learning platform Fabo, administered by the DanChurchAid Learning Lab (DCA LL). The modules are an excellent tool to get familiar with CBPS on a very basic level with Module 1 and 2 in less than an hour, and even take a further step towards applying CBPS with Module 3, also just taking another hour to complete.
CBPS: Module 1 takes no more than 10 minutes and focus on “Why you should apply CBPS”.
CBPS: Module 2 takes about 45 minutes and focus on “What CBPS is”, looking into the following aspects:
The concept of psychosocial wellbeing
Understanding different layers of psychosocial support
How the CBPS core principles relate to other standards
CBPS: Module 3 takes about an hour to complete and focus on “How to integrate and mainstream CBPS into programmes”, building on Module 1 and 2. It looks into the following aspects:
Applying the six core principles of CBPS
Integrating indicators
Tools and materials for strengthening projects and programmes
Module 1 and 2 are available in English, Spanish and French, and Module 3 in English and Spanish. Below, you can find an introduction document to the modules in each language, providing an overview and guiding through the process of accessing each learning module. It is encouraged to share the introduction documents and modules as needed, such as with colleagues or within your organisations.
Faith-Sensitive Humanitarian Response (FHSR) Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
Click here to directly get to the e-learning module on the learning platform Fabo. If you do not already have an account, you can register for free on the site and create a fabo-login.
The Faith-Sensitive Humanitarian Response Mental Health and Psychosocial Support online learning module was developed in collaboration between the ACT Alliance, the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities (JLI), Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), and the DCA Learning Lab.
The purpose of the module is to give the learner an understanding of the relevance of faith to individuals’ and communities’ capacity to cope with mental health and psychosocial challenges in humanitarian emergencies. Furthermore, the module aims at facilitating the collaboration between the humanitarian sector and local faith actors.