Illustration: CBPS Flower

What is CBPS?

The Community-Based Psychosocial Support (CBPS) approach builds on the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Guidelines in Emergencies and is directly linked to the nine commitments in the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) on quality and accountability to assure principled, accountable, and high-quality humanitarian assistance. It can be mainstreamed into both humanitarian and development projects.

CBPS Essentials

The Community-Based Psychosocial Support (CBPS) approach builds on the own needs, resources and conditions of individuals and communities to handle daily life stressors, especially in crises situations. The approach emphasizes participation of affected people in aid interventions as a central aspect for these to be able to themselves contribute to a better life and rise stronger together. They accomplish this based on their own capacity and capability. In crises situations, needs are more comprehensive than shelter, food and water.

The CBPS approach focuses on involving affected populations in decisions and activities that concern their lives, as they themselves know best what needs exist and need to be addressed. Participation also contributes to a meaningful co-existence after people have lost everything. Accordingly, the CBPS approach aims at creating meaningful and lasting changes in local contexts affected by crises.



Regions in need of development aid are often prone to humanitarian crises, which tend to become increasingly protracted and prolonged, often as a result of a combination of conflict and extreme poverty. As a result, people are forced to spend longer time in refugee camps before they can return home or to a third country. Not seldom, this is due to conflicts that divide communities and create uncertainty about the future of the affected people. This is why CBPS aims at enabling people to rebuild a hope for the future for themselves and their community by actively working to engage people to ignite a sense of responsibility regarding their own role and contribution to their and others’ wellbeing and creating social structures where everyone’s security and wellbeing is included. 

Mainstreaming CBPS into different sectors is also a cost-effective way to increase the well-being of a community, as opposed to creating separate programmes. Community engagement and participation are keywords in CBPS. Many of the activities can be done by the community members themselves, but sometimes they need some support to get started.

How to work with CBPS?

Participation is a key to bring people together and build security and trust. Participation activities can be about everything from building a well that everyone in a village feels safe to use, starting an income-generating activity for women who are often financially vulnerable, or forming various support groups to help people who have gone through difficulties and suffering, for example survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. CBPS can also include strengthening the capacity of aid organisations to treat crisis affected individuals in a respectful and dignified manner, and to include the local population in the effort from the outset.

The CBPS Core Principles

The CBPS Core Principles form the backbone of the CBPS approach. These are: 

  1. Human Rights and Equity
  2. Participation
  3. Do No Harm
  4. Building on Available Resources and Capacities
  5. Integrated Support Systems
  6. Multi-Layered Supports


Training & Learning

Here you can access E-Learnings and Trainings which among other things serve as an easy and quick introduction to CBPS.