For our partners

News from Act Church of Sweden

Act Church of Sweden 's work is an ongoing process together with our partners. Below you find our strategic plan to guide our decisions. Find our regular letters to partners, to stay informed, and come join ACT Learn and fabo to strengthen our capacity together!

Information to partners

Information to partners about Sidas new model for support to civil society. The call is open to civil society organisations conducting long-term development cooperation relevant to the objectives in the current Swedish strategy for development cooperation with civil society.

Letter to partners

Letters to partners are sent out to partners to inform about processes critical to our collaborations. Often concerning the application processes or reporting processes but also major changes in our organisation.

Read our latest letter to partners - ”partnership renewal and applications for 2023”.

Act Church of Sweden Annual Report 2023

Read Act Church of Sweden's annual report 203 Foto: Magdalena Vogt /Ikon

Through faith and action, Act Church of Sweden makes a difference. Read more about how it works in practice. In the 2023 Annual Report, we report on results and key findings from humanitarian efforts, long-term development projects and advocacy work.

Strategic plan for Act Church of Sweden

This document governs the work of Act Church of Sweden. The document describes the identity, mission, theory of change and strategic working methods for Act Church of Sweden. 

The document was approved by the Church Board on 16 
December 2021 to be valid from 1 January 2022.

Read the strategic plan.

Sign up for IFIL’s newsletter: Growth G[r]ains

The newsletter brings you the latest insights and learnings from Innovative Finance for Improved livelihood (IFIL) - a pilot project combining unique capacity building initiatives and increased access to commercial loans and markets, with a special focus on women's empowerment. The project is coordinated by Act Church of Sweden and implemented together with We Effect and Oikocredit in Kenya and Uganda.

Sign up for IFIL’s newsletter: Growth G[r]ains.

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One of our commitments is to be a learning organisation and we believe you are too. Act Church of Sweden is part of the ACT Alliance's ACT Learn. The purpose of ACT Learn is to strengthen the capacity enhancing activities of ACT Alliance members through effective learning design, sharing learning resources and opportunities and connecting staff to share best practices. ACT Learn offers events and Training of trainers for ACT Alliance members and their partners. Welcome to our Learning HUB!

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