
About the parish of Boden

There's a lot going on in our churches in Boden. Concerts, pilgrimage trails, church services and activities for children, young people and the elderly. The activities are usually free, and you are welcome just as you are!

Church services

The service is a place where we get to meet God and each other. The churches in Boden offers many different kind of services: the Holy Communion, family service like Messy Church and Sinnesromässa, to name a few. In our churches in Boden everyone is welcome no matter age, church experience or belief. Here there's room for life as a whole and everything that defines us as people where you can meet God together in prayer. 

Please click Here for a more detailed online calender (in swedish) over our services and where they're held. A full account of the church and the parish is given at the parish housel at Strandplan 25. Here you may find information about our parish activities. 

Activities for children

The churches in Boden offers after school activites, youth groups, choirs and other activities for kids. Most of the churches in Boden have Liten & stor-groups where adults and their children can meet, play och sing togheter. 

If you want to know more about the activities for children, please contact us at 0921-77500 or

Someone to talk to

The opportunity to talk to someone, to put what feels difficult into words, can often make a difference. The Jourhavande präst (On duty priest) service by telephone, webchat och digital letter, one-to-one conversations with a priest or deacon, family advice and conversation groups are some of the examples of the support available. It's for free and you don't have to be christian to contact us. 

You can find phone numbers to priests, deacons and other church personnel who talks english at the bottom of this page.


Do you love to sing? Welcome and join one of our chiors! There are choirs both for those who have experience, and for those who are beginners. Here you can find information about all our choirs in Boden (in Swedish).

If you have any questions about choirs, or want information about them in English, please contact church musician Lena Stenlund at

At the crossroads of life

The Church of Sweden has space and context for the important events in life. When you have a baby. When you are in love. When you want to explore what it is to be christian. When you have to say goodbye to a loved one. The church in Boden are there when life is joyful but also diffucult.

Here is information in Swedish about baptism, weddings, confirmations and funerals. If you want more information in english, please contact us at 0921-77500 or


The Church of Sweden is the country's largest music event organiser. Our conserts are usually free of charge, and you can find a complete list of the upcoming conserts at


We speak english!

Luisa Landewall

Luisa Landewall

Kyrkoherde, Präst, Svenska kyrkan Boden

Mikael Dapefrid

Mikael Dapefrid

Mariakyrkan, Församlingspedagog, Svenska kyrkan Boden

Charlotte Unée

Charlotte Unée

Överluleå kyrka, Diakon, Svenska kyrkan Boden

Mer om Charlotte Unée
