Jenny Ehnberg, Researcher

Jenny is doctor of theology and works as a researcher at the unit. Her area of research is theological ethics, including issues of political ethics, democracy, human rights, global ethics and justice.

About me, Jenny

In my research, I am interested in issues related to the role that theology plays in politics and democracy. I have also researched issues dealing with the impact of globalisation on ethics and ethical reflection, including in my thesis, which examines the different contributions of some political philosophers and theological ethicists to the debate on what is a sustainable form of global ethics. Another area that I have both researched and taught in is human rights. This has involved issues such as what their role is nationally and internationally, how we can gain an understanding of their ethical, political and legal dimensions and what the claim that human rights are universal rights means.


Ethics, Global ethics, Global justice, Ethical theory, Political ethics, Theology and politics, Human rights, Rights of persons with disabilities.


Researcher at the Unit of Research and Analysis at the Church of Sweden (2017–)

Assistant Professor in Human Rights at Uppsala University (2015–2017)

Director of the Euroculture Programme at Uppsala University (Spring 2017)

Executive Editor of the journal De Ethica (2017–2021)

Member of the Board of the European research society Societas Ethica (2017–2021)

Member of the Board of CRS (Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society) at Uppsala University (2017–2020)

Ph.D. in Theology, May 2015

Ordained for the Diocese of Stockholm in 2009

My current research

A critical study of the democratic contributions of deliberative democracy and theology

The study aims to add to the debate on the different forms that the Church’s political engagement should take. The objective is to study what contribution deliberative democracy can make to the discussion of the Church’s political engagement, but also to critically examine deliberative democratic theory from a theological perspective in order to determine what contribution theology can make to a normative model of political discussion.

The questions on a general level that I address in the study are: What concept of the political arena emerges within deliberative democracy and political theology? What are the roles of theology and religion in any concepts of this kind? What contributions can theology make to a model of democracy in a pluralistic context?

My publications

“Capabilities and Human Dignity: On Martha Nussbaum’s Understanding of Justice and Human Rights” in Burman, Anders & Myrebøe, Synne (Eds.) Martha Nussbaum: Ancient Philosophy, Civic Education and Liberal Humanism. Huddinge: Södertörn University, 2019.

“From the Editors: De Ethica. A Journal of Philosophical, Theological and Applied Ethics” in De Ethica, 5:1 (2018)

Globalization, Communication, and Justice: A Critical Study of Global Ethics. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2015