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Engelska - english

Welcome to the church of Sweden in Gävle - a meeting place for all people

The Church of Sweden in Gävle is open to all nationalities. Here you can meet others, spend time taking part in various types of community activities, or just chill. It is a place for those who have questions about life, and thoughts about faith, for those who want to take a break from the daily life with some coffee, music and discussion and also for those who want to engage in a fairer and better world. Regardless of your faith or religion, you are welcome to share your joy and sorrow, your questions and your uncertainty.
Events in Gävle’s churches:
• Religious services are celebrated every Sunday in Gävle's churches,
and sometimes during the week.
• Come and sing - a choir for those who like to sing, and want to learn
Swedish in a fun and exciting way. Adress: Kyrkans hus, Kaplansgatan 1.
• Language Café – learn Swedish, share experiences and coffee with
new friends.
Adress: Kanalen, Nygatan 77. Mariakyrkan, Forellplan in Sätra.