
In English

Welcome to Johannebergs församling, a congregation within the Church of Sweden.

About the congregation

We are an Evanglical Lutheran church, and part of the Church of Sweden.

Johanneberg is a district of central Gothenburg, with about 20 000 residents. Of these 12 000 are members of the congregation.

We have two church buildings within the congregation: Johannebergskyrkan and Buråskyrkan. Services are held every Sunday at 10 AM at Burås, and at 11 AM at Johanneberg.

The Johanneberg Cathedral is open for visitors Monday - Friday between 8:30 AM- 4 PM.

Contact us

If you would like to contact one of our priests or deacons, please call our office: +46 (0)31 731 86 30

Visiting address: Walleriusgatan 1
Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 9 AM- 15 PM

Postal address: Walleriusgatan 1, 412 58 Göteborg

Mattias Sundkvist

Mattias Sundkvist

Församlingsherde, Präst, Johannebergs församling