
In English

Welcome to the Church of Sweden, Kiladalen parish. Situated in the area between the cities Nyköping and Norrköping.(Södermanland / Södermanland county)

Kiladalen parish est. in 2006 as the four old parishes Kila parish, Lunda parish, Tuna parish and Bergshammar parish became one.

Welcome to contact the parish office

Svenska kyrkan (The Church of Sweden)
Kiladalens församling
Skolvägen 28
611 70 Jönåker
Telephone: 0155-570 02 (+46 155-570 02)
More about: Facebook and Instagram @kiladalensforsamling
Vicar: Karin Tallberg, +46 70 265 16 57 

Visit the churches

Due to security the churches may not be open at all times. If you wish to visit the church - please contact the cemetery caretaker for information:

Bergshammar church: 072-200 71 34

Tuna church: 072-243 88 75

Lunda church: 072-200 71 37

Kila church: 072-735 30 52

Kiladalens församling bildades 1 januari 2006 genom sammanslagning
av de gamla församlingarna Kila församling, Lunda församling,
Tuna församling och Bergshammars församling.