
Meet and Greet

Feel at home in the church sitting room. Have dinner, chat, play games or just hang around.

Meet and Greet

A platform for students and young adults. We make food and eat food together, chat, play games or just gang out. Welcome to get to know someone you might not have met otherwise!

16th of february, 16th of march, 27th of april, 25th of may at 16:30-19 in Porsökyrkan.

22 september, 20 oktober och 24 november kl. 16.30-19 at Porsökyrkan.

Viktoria  Rumann

Viktoria Rumann

Präst, Nederluleå församling

Mer om Viktoria Rumann

Universitetspräst vid Universitetskyrkan Luleå

Marie  Edfast

Marie Edfast

Präst, Nederluleå församling

Mer om Marie Edfast

Präst i Porsökyrkan