
About the Diocese of Luleå

The Diocese of Luleå was founded in 1904 and is one of 13 dioceses in the Church of Sweden. More than 523,700 people live here in two counties, Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

The Diocese of Luleå covers one third of Sweden and stretches from Karesuando Parish in the north to Nordmaling Parish in the south.

The population in the area has doubled since it was founded. Since then, the region is characterised by nature meeting urban areas. This is a region of minority languages and both  the Swedish Evangelical Mission (in Swedish: Evangeliska fosterlandsstiftelsen, EFS) and Laestadianism originate from the north. These are the largest revivalist movement ever in the Nordic countries.

The parishes forms the foundation

The foundation of the Church of Sweden’s activities consists of its parishes. The Diocese of Luleå contains 55 parishes. The diocese has the task of supporting them, managing its property and other assets to finance the ministry of the clergy, and supervising activities and the ordained ministry (priests and deacons).

Management and organisation

The Church of Sweden is a democratic organisation, and the highest decision-making body of the diocese is the Diocesan Council, which is elected in the Church elections every four years. The Diocesan Council appoints a Diocesan Board which is the diocese’s executive body.

The diocese is led by the bishop, who is the chair of the Diocesan Board and the Chapter, which helps the bishop with the supervision work. The work of the Diocesan office is led by the diocesan director.

A Church with many members

The Diocese of Luleå is part of the Church of Sweden, an Evangelical-Lutheran faith community, of which 53.9 percent of Sweden’s population are members (2021). In the Diocese of Luleå that figure is 65.6 percent (2021). There are more than 1,000 employees, 1,280 elected representatives, 6,234 choral singers and 400 young confirmation leaders in the parishes.

Cathedral and Diocesan office

Luleå Cathedral is located in the heart of the city. It was built in 1893 in Neo-Gothic style and is Sweden’s youngest cathedral. The Diocesan office is a stone’s throw from the cathedral, at Stationsgatan 40. This old building dates from 1888.