Konsert: Bundesjugendchor

National Youth Choir of Germany. Lördag 7 september kl 18.30 i Nacka kyrka, fri entré.

Konsert med tyska nationella ungdomskören Bundesjugendchor. På konserten medverkar även Hedvig Eleonora ungdomskör under ledning av Natalia Edvall och Stockholms Musikgymnasiums ungdomskör under ledning av Sofia Ågren, samt Josefina Paulson, nyckelharpa.

National Youth Choir of Germany

The National Youth Choir of Germany (BJC) was founded in 2021 by the German Music Council with a kick-off concert at the Philharmonie Berlin, with the aim of promoting excellent young sing­ers. Every year, around 50 outstanding young choral singers between the ages of 18 and 26 work intensively to present several challenging concert programs, comprising works ranging from the Renaissance to the present day under the artistic direction of Anne Kohler. The German National Youth Choir receives further musical inspiration from guest conductors, collaborations with other profession­al ensembles and encounters with international youth choirs.

At the concert on September 7th in Stockholm at Nacka Kyrka, the German National Youth Choir will present an a cappella program within the choir’s tour in Sweden under the direction of the guest conductor Cecilia Martin-Löf. The German National Youth Choir will sing various works ranging from Reger to Rautavaara and Rehnqvist amongst others.

The National Youth Choir of Germany is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). To find out more about the choir, follow www.bundesjugendchor.de.