Orsa church

Orsa church is of medieval origin. In the north-west corner  remains of a 13th century church can still be found. In the 14th century the church was enlarged to the width of today and to half its present length. In the 15th century it was still more enlarged to the east up to the foremost pillars. At that time the aisle of the sanctuary was decorated with lime-paintings, and  these paintings were revealed at the restoration of 1913. The  north wall shows the Judgement Day and the south wall the Crucifixion. Beneath there are some scencs from the life of  Joseph.
During the middle age the church had no tower, but both the gables were 6,6 metres higher than the present church. The roof was higer and steep. A new sanctuary was added in 1755. The tower of today was built in 1853. The floor of the church is made of  Orsa sandstone. Many of the stones are signed with initials or  owner's marks. The vestry was resotred in 1963.
Among the inventories you can find the triumphal crucifix, a nother German work of art from the later parts of the 14th century. The remakeble foot of the font is made up of heads
of dragons. A small medieval bell is hanging at the
south wall of the sanctuary.The font itself is from 1531.
The bell which is in the south-west corner of the church was
also made in 1531. It replaced an older bell which was given
as tax to the king Gustaf Vasa. The pulpit,made in 1634,
has pictures of Christ and the four evangelists. A picture of Peter, that also was a part of the pulpit, is now hanging on the south wall. The altarpiece, showing the Ascension of Christ, was painted in Stockholm in the middle of the 18th century. It replaced two extra beautiful triptychs from 14th and 15th centueries, moved to Skattunge church.
Hour of admission:
During the summer the church is open every day between 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Futher information can be found at the registers office (pastorsexpeditionen). +46 (0)250 55 24 80