En flaggstång med Svenska kyrkans flagga mot en blå himmel.

Short fact about our parrish in English

Welcome to visit our churches, services and activities!

The parrish of Snöstorp is geographically a big parrish. Seven churches and a small chappell are included. Each sunday there are up till four or five services. Look at our calender here on this page. The churches clostest to the Arena hotel are Vallåskyrkan, Snöstorps kyrka and Mariakyrkan


Translation - a small dictionary for the most common words in our calendar:

Gudstjänst is a service without communion

After Work-gudstjänst, Familjegudstjänst, vardagsgudstjänst
 - a service adapted for children and adults

Mässa - a service with communion

Högmässa - a longer service with communion

Veckomässa - a service with communion, some Tuesdays and Thursdays

Andakt, sopplunch
First a short service for about 15 minutes and then a bowl of soup. SEK 30-50 


Kyrkans öppna förskola
For small children with parent. We meet, sing or play and have something to eat.

Sticka & Skicka
This is an activity where we knit cardigans, blankets, etc. to donate to those in need.

Eldsbergaträffen, Mariaträffen, Snöstorpsträffen, Vallåsträffen
A meeting place with different programs and coffee

Konsert ..... 
Concert (often at a cost)

This is a collaboration with other parrishes. A short hike of about 30 minutes in silence. Bring a seating mat and evening coffee and a sandwich. After the hike we talk for a while. 

BaraVara-café, Vän-café
Just hang around and talk for a while. Coffee and homemade cookies for a small cost.