The Diocese of Stockholm comprises 63 parishes. The parishes fall under the regional organization of the Church, consisting of 13 dioceses.
Worship, teaching, deaconry work and mission
The tasks of a parish include organizing church services, missionary work, pastoral care, teaching and church social work. At the centre of the parish is the church, where services are held, but there are a number of other activities going on, for people of all ages.
Choirs and toddlers´ groups
Choirs, toddlers´ and young children´s groups and various cultural events are just some examples of parish activities. Time-tables for church services are listed every Saturday in the daily national newspapers (Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet). Alternatively, please see the gudstjänst data base on our web site.
How the parishes are administered
In a parish, it is the Parochial Synod that exercise the right to make decisions, at Parochial Meetings or through a directly elected Church Council. The members of these bodies are appointed through parish elections. The Church Council is the board of the parish, responsible for the execution of the fundamental parochial tasks. Each parish has a rector or vicar who, in accordance with the vows given when he or she was ordained, is personally responsible to fulfil the duties as stated in the Canon Law.
Search for your parish (in Swedish)
The parishes´ own web sites