
How the Diocese is governed

The pastoral and administrative life in the Church of Sweden is regulated through the Church Ordinance as laid down by the Church Assembly – the highest decision making body within the Church of Sweden.

The Diocesan Synod, its members elected for a period of four years, is the highest decision making body on the diocesan level. The Diocesan Synod adopts the budget, appoints the Diocesan Board, the Property and Forestry Board and part of the Chapter.

The Diocesan board is the government of the Diocese

According to the Church Ordinance the task of the Diocesan Board is to further/promote/develop the parochial work. In order to do that the Diocesan board employs a number of specialists, whose task it is to support the bishop, the Diocesan board and the Chapter in executing its tasks.

The Chapter exercises oversight

The Bishop and the Chapter exercises oversight over parishes/union of parishes and the Diocese.

The Property and Forestry Board

The Property and Forestry Board manage an investment portfolio, held mostly in property and company shares to produce money to support pastoral work across the Diocese. The Board also manages the so called clergy stipend assets (property, once donated for the livelihood of the priests, administered by the church)

The Dioceses - the regional level of the Church of Sweden, cover the whole of Sweden are each led by a bishop.  There are 13 dioceses in total. There is an Archbishop - the Archbishop of Uppsala, who fulfil the role of both representing the Church on the national level as well as being one of two bishops of the Diocese of Uppsala.

Church House, Uppsala

Church House, Uppsala is the national office of the Church of Sweden and coordinates and administers national tasks and responsibilities such as financial needs and resources, international and ecumenical affairs, international relief and diaconia, information, management  and structural development etc.

The office of the Archbishop is also located in Church House, Uppsala.