Foto: Anders Gustafsson

Jämt-Norgevägen (Englisch)

Jämt-Norgevägen starts out from the provincial border, called Jämtkrogen, between Medelpad and Jämtland. It is parallel with the St. Olovsleden ( as far as Revsund, where the Jämt-Norgevägen leads west and our guide to hiking begins.

Under the tabs below you will find suggested daily distances. These can be extended or shortened as desired. Walking a few kilometers farther or finishing a little earlier can, depending on your wishes, facilitate overnight stays, access to food, etc.

The distances listed here are approximate. We recommend also buying or downloading a more detailed map, such as Lantmäteriet's My Map or Lokalsinne's apps.

Level of Difficulty

Green: Easy

As a guideline, the stages will be graded according to a new national framework for hiking paths.The stages will be continuously updated on the website with a color level. Note: Along the trail, one or more of the colors may occur.

Stage 1

Level of Difficulty:

GREEN (rocky along Herrevadsströmmen)


Total Revsund to Skurun, 13 km

Section: Revsund to Björnön, 6 km.
The trail runs along the main road. After the bridge crossing, on the left side, at the lakeshore there is a beautifully situated picnic area with a wind shelter and firepit. The path continues on country roads and small roads through Sund, Brattbyn, Sunnestbyn, Sandsved, and Björnön. Water is available along the stage.

Section: Björnön to Skurun, 7 km, on asphalt.
The trail turns off at the road bridge over Herrevadsströmmen (rocky). The Jämt-Norgevägen coincides here a couple of kilometers with Forsaleden, which has several nice rest areas and wind shelters. The Jämt-Norgevägen continues in a southwesterly direction on the old Strömstigen across Skurunäset to Skurun. A wind shelter, clearly visible from the road, is located on a promontory in the lake. Water is available along the stage.

History & Nature:

The trail from Revsund runs along the main road and passes the remains of Refsund's redoubt, from 1644. A few hundred meters after the bridge crossing, on the right side, is an old stone cellar that served as a warehouse during the steamboat era.

Between the stone cairn and the village of Björnön you pass Böleslägdan, in the northern part of which there is a house foundation, which according to tradition is said to be the site of a medieval hospice, a cottage for pilgrims.

At Herrevadsströmmen there is a museum, perhaps the smallest in Sweden, which contains a well-arranged exhibition about the site's industrial history. If you want, you can make a detour along Forsaleden, which is blue-marked, to look at interesting rock paintings and forest graves farther up the river.


Revunds kyrka & Herrevadsströmmen.

Eat, Stay, Do:

Food and accommodation options are available at 

Pilgrimage Center:

In a large wooden building by the ski tunnel in Gällö (Mid Sweden 365) you will find our pilgrim stand. It is possible to arrange food and accommodation by prebooking at,

Vindskydd Skurun. Foto: Helena Stridh

Stage 2

Flottarna. Foto: Helena Stridh

Note: You have a choice of route: raft over fords or hike. There is an alternative route around the raft in Fageråsen and Pån, but it involves a longer hike.

Level of Difficulty:

GREEN (crubby parts after Fagersjön)


Total: Skurun to Pånäset: 12.5 km.

Section: Skurun to Fageråsen 6.5 km
In Skurun you need to decide whether you want to take line-drawn rafts over fords at two places. Crossing with a raft is at your own risk. If not, below is a picture of the alternative routes that are recommended.

The old path to Fageråsen went north of Gertrudberget and Fageråsberget, but the Jämt-Norgevägen of today follows the main road. The intent is that with a detour of a few hundred meters you will be able to reach the incredibly beautiful church in Bodsjö.

Today, the crossing of Lake Fageråssjön is done with the help of a rope-drawn raft.

Section: Fageråsen to Pånäset 6 km.
From Fageråssjön to Skidåvägen, the trail goes through young forest and follows well-trodded game trails. After crossing Skidåvägen and the ditch, the trail follows an old mountain pasture road that recently has been used for harvesting timber. The trail first goes on the "ridge" between the deep wheel tracks and then turns right onto the original path. In the marsh toward the passage between the Höksjöarna lakes, there are old, partly overgrown footbridges. The trail continues along the old beach terrace and then follows a boundary line until a forest road begins. From there, the well-trodden Pånstigen trail is followed down to the lake.

The trail now leaves Bräcke County and continues into Berg County. Pån is also crossed with a rope-drawn raft. At the landing point on Pånnäset there is a timbered shelter and a firepit. About three hundred meters farther along the trail there is a simple overnight hut. There is water along the section at the shelter.

History & Nature:

The church in Bodsjö was built from 1794-96 by Pål Persson from Stugun. There is also Bodda's prayer house, the original building of timber from 1292, which is one of the country's oldest wooden houses.  Closer to the vicarage a more recent copy of the prayer house has been erected. A tradition tells of the Norwegian woman Bodda who settled with her children on the site and built a prayer house. Immediately west of the village of Fageråsen you pass the Birgitta Spring, which got its name from the fact that Birgitta Birgersdotter drank water from it during her pilgrimage to Nidaros in the 1300s. Along the shores of Lake Fageråsjön, several Stone Age settlements have been found. Pånvallsnäset's shallow, sandy beaches are an ideal place to swim. There is a sign-posted Stone Age settlement here.



Stage 3

Note: You have a choise of route: boat across or hike around Lake Näten

Level of Difficulty:

GREEN (crubby parts)


Pånnäset to Hackås: 16 km. 

The trail follows forest roads and paths and passes Mellansjön on the way to Tunvågen. Arriving in Tunvågen, the locals can to some extent help to arrange a boat crossing to Rogsta. To book in advance, call: Torbjörn Lindgren +4670-344 06 58 or Kent Karlsson +4670-358 77 36. The alternative route to hike around the lake adds 26 km. From Rogsta follow the public road down to highway 45 and turn right. Follow road 45 to Garveriholmen and then down to Strömbacka mill and farther along Billstaån to the gravel road that leads up to the village street. Water is available along the stage.

Pilgrimage Center:

Read more  about the pilgrim centre in Hackås here.

History & Nature:

Hackås offers many sights. Its oldest church was built, according to a tradition, by Olaf Haraldsson's grandson Jöran Karlsson Skunck, who lived at Hof in Hackås from 1040 to 1080. The present church was probably built in the mid-1100s. It is the county's only preserved medieval church with a Roman apse and houses al secco paintings depicting Saint Margret’s martyrdom in original paint from 1275.


Margareta Källan.

Eat, Stay, Do:

Food and accommodation options are available at

Hackås kyrka och stämpelstation. Foto: Mikaela Eriksson

Stage 4

Level of Difficulty:



Hackås to Oviken, 12 km. 

The trail follows the shoreline of Lake Storsjön. A timber shelter is located at the Gärde crossing. Boat rides across Sannsundet along the old ferry line between Gärde and Gånäset are unfortunately not possible today. Hikers are directed to walk across the Sannsund bridge and follow the main the road to Oviken. Water is available along the stage.


Oviken's old church has medieval origins with unclear dating. In 1319 a visitation was held by Archbishop Olov Björnsson, which indicates the presence of a church. In 1905, Oviken's new brick-built church in neo-Gothic style was put into use. The church is 41x21 meters with a 60-meter-high tower. From here you have a wide view of the Oviksfjällen mountains and get a good idea of what awaits you to the west.


Oviken's old church.

Ovikens gamla kyrka. Foto: Anders Gustafsson

Stage 5

Note: There are two fords during this part. There are rops to hold on to, but a walking stick and water shoes are recommended.

Level of Difficulty:

BLUE (fords, steep, wet sections)


Total: Oviken to Stensjöbäcken, 23 km.

From Oviken's new church, the trail goes down Helgebacksbacken along the mill road to Myre. The sports ground Kejsarvallen and the campsite are passed before the footbridge over Myrån.

After the center of Myrviken, there are no opportunities to make purchases until Storsjökapell (about 70 km through the wilderness).

From Myrviken, the trail continues through the village of Häggen and along a forest road to Häggån, which crosses the river 70 meters downstream from the old bridge abutment. The hike continues along the old, now overgrown country road to Bäcktorpet, where there are wind shelters. In the village of Billsåsen, the Kårböleleden pilgrim Path connects with Jämt-Norgevägen. At Tattarstan a new rest area with a shelter and a firepit will be dedicated in the summer of 2024. The next rest area with a wind shelter is located after 11 km at Högån. The path follows old forest roads that are mostly laid out on old summer pasture roads. There is a wind shelter at Stensjöbäcken. Water is available along the stage.

History & Nature:

The village of Billsåsen was a dear resting place for those who in the 1920s/30s bringing cows to and from the summer pastures. After Billsåsen is Tattarstan, where an information board tells about the background of the settlement.


The wind shelter Stenbäcken.

Stage 6

Level of difficulty:



Stensjöbäcken to Tuvljån,10 km. 

The trail goes along a forest road with a ford over Högmyrbäcken. About 1 km farther the forest road ends and the trail turns into the forest. (From here it is 18 km to the next road junction below Prästbodarna.) Just west of Storsundet, the path begins through the reindeer grazing land of the Tåssåsen Sámi community. The pilgrim cottage, just before the slope down to Tuvljån, is a hostel that has been brought from Stuguberget's shieling (collection of huts). If you want, you can make the 2.5 km detour to Ljåbuan. Water is available along the stage.

Information about Tåssåsen Sàmi community can be found here 

For those who want to take a detour, there is an overnight cabin in Västnorbodarna. See more information at the County Administrative Board of Jämtland.

History & Nature:

At the end of the forest road, about 1 km after Högmyrbäcken, when you turn into the forest there is the Bångstenen memorial which tell how Jöns Olofsson Bång and his horse were killed by lightning in 1809. If you choose to take the detour to Ljåbuan, you can see the enormous Skvalränna that was eroded by meltwater from the inland ice.

Ljåbuan. Foto: Helena Stridh

Stage 7

Observera att snöbilderna är tagna vid Valskaftet i juni 2022. Foto: Anders Larsson

Level of Difficulty:

GREEN (two fords with lines)


Tuvljån to Lövan, 19 km.

From Tuvljån the trail is easy to hike, with nice resting places and streams with good cooling water. Valskaftet's shieling is passed as well as Stuguberget; the mountain can be seen from the ridge above the embankment. After Stuguberget, you can choose to make a detour on another trail that goes toward Östra Arådalen's shieling and after another 4 km reaches Västra Arådalen, with Sweden's oldest tourist station.

The Jämt-Norway road continues from Stuguberget to Prästbodarna, where there is a mix of older and newer cottages for leisure use. After hiking 11.5 km from Tuvljån, you will reach the river Arån where there ia a wind shelter and firepit. A ford with a rope leads across Arån.

West of Arån, the path toward Lövberget's shieling follows old trails and finally the old summer farm road from Lövdalen. The path down to Lövan is quite steep in places. Down the forest road a clearing is crossed, and by the river there is a wind shelter slightly upstream from the ford. Water is available along the stage.

History & Nature:

If you choose to turn off toward Östra Arådalen, you will be greeted by a shieling that in 1991 received the prestigious Europa Nostra, the committee's international award for good building conservation. Västra Arådalen Tourist Station is Sweden's oldest, built in 1895 and inaugurated in 1896. There is also a timbered mountain chapel from 1978. Several cultural personalities have found inspiration in this particular area. Wilhelm Petterson-Berger wandered and wrote music, the Tirén family of painters attached motifs to canvas, and the explorer Jonas Stadling wrote down interesting encounters from this area.

Vad över Arån. Foto: Anders Gustafsson

Stage 8

Level of Difficulty:

BLUE (large parts uncleared)


Total: Lövan to Storsjö Kapell, 30 km.

Section: Lövan to Rövran 10 km.
The first rest area with a wind shelter is after 6 km at Ekorrbäcken, where a sturdy bridge leads over the stream. The road from Storsjö to Ljungdalen is crossed before the wind shelter at Rövran is reached.

Section: Rövran to Storsjö Kapell, 20 km.
After 13 km, you reach a picnic area and wind shelter at Åviken and Storån's outlet. Bergvallen's shieling is passed. Water is available along the stage. The trail is occasionally also marked with orange.

History & Nature:

The trail now leaves Bergs County and enters Härjedalens County. At Åviken you have a good view of the mountain pass Storådörren. In the vicinity of the shelter there are old trapping pits to be seen. About 500 meters west of the shelter, next to the lake, is Önet, the site of a medieval farm. In the Storsjö chapel you can look at the church, which was built in 1751. Around Storsjö there are remains of Stone Age settlements, graves from the late Iron Age, and the interesting Krankmårten mound that dates back to the centuries before the birth of Christ.


At the church Storsjö Kapell.

Eat, Stay, Do:

Accommodation is available in Storsjö, a short distance from the trail. To prebook, contact: Karin Åslund at +4670-309 23 52.

Foto: Helena Stridh

Stage 9

Foto: Helena Stridh

Level of Difficulty:

BLUE (ascent up and wet)


Storsjö Kapell to Ljungdalen, 18 km. 

West of Storsjö Kapell follow a forest road toward Västersätervallen. There is a picnic area with a wind shelter at Tandån after about 6 km of hiking. In some parts the path leads through fairly steep terrain. Above the tree level the path is marked on rocks with paint called Old English Red. About 3.5 km before Ljungdalen, the Jämt-Norgevägen road coincides with the existing hiking and snowmobile trail. The trail goes through Handölsdalen's Sámi village's reindeer grazing land. It can be very wet over marshes down toward Ljungdalen, and there are streams to be crossed. Water is available along the stage.

History & Nature:

Tandåfallet can be seen after a deviation from the trail of about 500 meters from Tandån.


Tourist Office, Ljungdalen

Stage 10

Level of difficulty:

RED (group hikes are recommended, several high fords, 4 km of ascent, wet passages, rapidly changing weather, no telephone coverage)


The trail is marked with "short planks" through Ljungdalen village and up to Allmänabacken, where a pole shows the beginning of the path. The trail is marked with red paint on rocks and trees. A wind shelter is located at "Kronlinjen" about 6 km west of Ljungdalen. A reindeer herder's cottage is located 26 km from Ljungdalen at a place called Sakristian, but it is not open to hikers. However, there is an emergency telephone available there. Only accommodation options are tents.

At the path crossing mark at the eastern end of Sylsjön, there is the option to follow the north side that is marked with crosses or the south side that follows an old marked path. The southern one is recommended as it is less rocky and is farther from the reindeer's calving grounds.

At Sylsjödammen there is a cottage year-round open with electric heating and a stove. To Sylsjödammen's rest cabin it is about the same distance regardless of choice of route. If you choose to hike on the south side of the lake, without going up to the rest cabin, it is about 18 km to the national border from the eastern end of Sylsjön. The trail goes through the reindeer grazing and calving land of the Mittådalen and Handölsdalen Sámi communities. Hikers must therefore behave extra carefully so that the reindeer are not disturbed, alarmed, and dispersed. Water is available along the stage.

History & Nature:

In the area there are remnants of human presence over thousands of years. At Öjön and Gröndörrsstötarna, there is a Sámi hut site, a house foundation, and a presumed sacrificial site. At Östra Helagssjön, an old settlement has been found. Southeast of the reindeer herder's cottage called the Sacristy. There are two hut sites and a house foundation from a possible old pilgrim cottage. Farther west along the northern shore there is a rich flatland grave from the Viking Age.


The tourist office in Ljungdalen.

Mot Ljungandalen. Foto: Gunilla Jansson

Stage 11

Level of Difficulty:

BLUE (first 6 km ascent, fords)


Sylsjödammen to Stugudal, 15 km. 

The trail follows the west side of the lake to Skarvdörrsån, where the original road "appears" out of the water. The terrain then rises steeply and the hike goes through magnificent mountain scenery. At the Skarvdörren Pass, the Jämt-Norgevägen road joins the Romboleden. Right at the exit of the pass, on the Norwegian side, are the remains of an old redoubt. Vektarhaugen is passed after about 7 km, then about 3 km remains down to Stugudal. Water is available along the stage.

History & Nature:

An interesting stone deposit can be found right next to the trail, a few hundred meters upstream of Skarvdörrsån.

Stenar vid Sylsjön och vy över Sylsjödammen. Foto: Gunilla Jansson