
Jagrit Bhati

Listen to Jagrit and his fellow panelists Sat Oct 12th

During TRANSBLESSING we're going to have a focus on intefaith. We will host a panel discussion with transpeople of different faiths and connect over our similarities. Jagrit was with us last year and he will co5ne back this year, discussing his experiences as a transgender Hindu during the panel.

Jagrit holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law and is a passionate advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). He is committed to driving positive change both in the workplace and in broader society, with a focus on empowering the LGBTQIA+ community. He actively challenges discrimination by fostering inclusive policies, facilitating conversations, and advocating for marginalized voices. His work creates environments that celebrate diversity.

Listen to Jagrit and his fellow panelists Sat Oct 12th 6.15pm CET.