orgelpipor i metall

Hansa Organ Project

The Hansa Organ Project is a collaboration between several Hanseatic cities under the leadership of Sankta Maria Cathedral in Visby. The goal of the project is to publish an organ book with new compositions and to establish an organ festival.

The initiative for the project was taken by the organists in the Marian churches in Visby and Lübeck. They wanted to find ways to introduce organ music as a cultural element in the future at the Hanseatic Days starting in Visby 2025. Project partners were sought and an application was sent to the Swedish Institute which was approved. The project started in October 2023 and the project partners are Sankta Maria domkyrka in Visby (Sweden), St Marien zu Lübeck (Germany), Pro Musica Organa (Poland), Cesis municipality (Latvia) and HanseVerein e.V., (associated partner). The partners have one representative each in the project's steering group. Project manager is Inger Harlevi, Visby.

Until Aug 31st, 2024, Hanseatic cities are invited to submit organ compositions in two different categories. The winners are selected by a jury and the pieces are presented in a Hansa Organ Book will be launched on the Hanseatic Day in Visby.

The second part of the project is about the Hanseatic Organ Festival, where organ music in and from Hanseatic cities can be promoted in the long term. The project will invite organists from Hanseatic cities to participate in the first festival of this kind during Hanseatic Day in Visby 2025.

Hansa Organ Festival Visby 2025 regulations

For more information contact:

Inger Harlevi



Das Hansa-Orgelprojekt ist eine Zusammenarbeit mehrerer Hansestädte unter der Leitung der Domkirche Sankta Maria in Visby. Ziel des Projekts ist die Herausgabe eines Orgelbuchs mit neuen Kompositionen und die Etablierung eines Orgelfestivals.

Hansa Orgelprojekt

Hansa Orgelprojekt är ett samarbete mellan flera hansastäder under ledning av Visby domkyrkoförsamling. Målet med projektet är att ge ut en orgelbok med nya kompositioner och att etablera en orgelfestival.

Visby Cathedral Sankta Maria 1225 – 2025

800 years of exciting history.