Högaltaret står i koret under de tre blyinfattade fönstren med olika bilder från bibeln
Foto: Visby domkyrkoförsamling

The choir

The choir was added in 1230–1250, as was probably the altar as well.

The main altar is from the early 20th century and is decorated with an altarpiece  by the Gotlandic architect and painter Axel Herman Hägg. It was added as part of the great restoration which he supervised. The purpose of the restoration was to bring the church back to its medieval appearance, some of which has disappeared again in later restorations. The cathedral’s late medieval altarpiece was already in 1684 moved to Källunge Church, in the middle of Gotland, and can still be seen on the main altar there.

The saints are not perfect either

The main motif of the altarpiece is the Adoration of the Magi surrounded by four saints: St Bridget and St Olaf to the left, St Catherine of Vadstena and St Nicholas to the right. Saints are people who have spread God’s love during their lives. But just like us, the saints weren’t always perfect. 

Behind the altar are the twelve apostles, Jesus’ closest friends, who also weren’t perfect people. It’s nice to know that God can work through us anyway. 

By the altar we celebrate the Eucharist, which is central to the Christian rite. Here we share bread and wine as a sign that we are seeking a united humanity.