Sustainability during the year
The Church of Sweden has a clear and long-term commitment regarding sustainable investments.
During the year, the Church of Sweden continued to be committed and proactive in its work with sustainable investments, with a strong focus on integrating its values and principles in asset management contributing to a more sustainable and fair world.
An eventful year for sustainability
During 2023, several significant initiatives and decisions shaped the sustainability work of companies and organisations:
- The OECD updated its guidelines for multinational companies, which tighten the requirements in areas such as the environment and climate
- In 2023, Science Based Target Networks (SBTN) launched science-based targets for nature conservation, with a pilot project involving 17 companies
- The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure (TFND) published recommendations for managing and informing about financial risks and opportunities related to nature
- The EU taxonomy was updated with the remaining four environmental targets, which are to be integrated into reporting from 2024 onwards
- Nature Action 100, a global investor initiative to promote nature and biodiversity conservation, initiated dialogues with 100 companies in priority sectors.
Dialogue and collaboration on sustainability issues
During the past year, the Church of Sweden continued the dialogue on sustainability issues with the managers of the 29 fund mandates. Through the collaboration with the Investors Integrity Forum (IIF) within Transparency International Sweden (TI Sweden), discussions were also held with companies in the construction sector regarding anti- corruption measures.
As part of the agreement with Sustainalytics, the Church of Sweden had the opportunity, together with other investors, to meet with companies in the technology and extraction sector to discuss human rights. Participation in meetings with companies in the food sector and the financial industry to discuss biodiversity also took place during the year. The purpose of these initiatives is to gain greater insight into how companies and asset managers value and manage these risks that are linked to upcoming EU legislation on due diligence.
The Church of Sweden also continued to actively participate in the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC). During the year, the Church of Sweden was involved in developing a guidance document for investors regarding the management of scope 3 carbon emissions.
Scope 3 covers indirect emissions that the companies do not own or control, and therefore have less opportunity to influence. By including Scope 3 in emissions calculations, the investor obtains a more complete picture of the portfolio's total climate impact. This can provide a more realistic and informative assessment of the portfolio's climate footprint.
Other networks that the Church of Sweden participated in during 2023 are: Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development - SISD, Sweden’s Forum for Sustainable Investments - Swesif, Global Network Initiative - GNI, Hållbart värdeskapande and Faith Invest.
Sustainability review of the investment portfolio shows long-term value creation
Each year, the Church of Sweden conducts a review of its investment portfolio using Sustainalytics' screening tool to ensure that the holdings are in line with our financial policy and the investment guidelines for ethics and sustainability. The results of this year's review confirm that our investments not only meet our sustainability requirements, but also generate a positive financial return.
In addition to the annual review, an in-depth analysis of holdings in risk-filled industries such as the technology, automotive, textile and food sectors, was also carried out to ensure that they comply with financial policy. This analysis is based on established rankings and external analysis to identify industry-leading holdings and manage any potential challenges.
Although the sustainability review showed that the holdings to a large extent meet the Church of Sweden's requirements for sustainability and ethics, some deviations were identified. In order to manage these deviations, a close dialogue has been conducted with the asset managers. The deviations were related to work environment, human rights, integrity and corruption. Sustainalytics also conducts discussions directly with the companies about some of these deviations, in line with their dialogue model with companies.
Perspective on the future
Going forward, the Church of Sweden expects sustainability work both within companies and organisations to gain increased importance. This is driven by a series of initiatives and decisions, including tightened requirements and guidelines from organisations such as the OECD, and increased efforts to address nature-related risks and climate change through initiatives such as Science Based Target Networks and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure.
The Church of Sweden will continue to be active in dialogue and collaboration on sustainability issues with investors and companies, with a particular emphasis in 2024 on managing climate-related risks and opportunities.
The asset management has committed to reducing the portfolio's carbon footprint by 25 % by 2030 compared to the level at the end of 2021. In line with this, a strategy to actively contribute to the climate transition will be developed in the coming years, which will promote long-term investments aligned with our goals.
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